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Date Posted Click on the picture to see more of... Description of Pictures
Dec 25th 2008 We spent Christmas in Arkansas, at Jenny's brothers house. Jill, Mark, and Uncle Harold joined us too. Our flights worked out fine, and our trip was a lot of fun.
Dec 12th 2008 Christmas tree and Ice House.
Nov 27th 2008 Jenny's Birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year. Nancy and Marshall spent the holiday and weekend with us. Many pictures were taken.
Nov 22nd 2008 It's here! The day has finally come that Maisey can wear a bow clipped in her hair. We had a lazy day around the house. -It's cold and windy outside. Maisey is enjoying rocking in Grandpa Carrs baby rocking chair...
Nov 21st 2008 Wow, we've been busy, and I haven't taken or posted as many pictures as previous months. I think the weather, and dark nights are the reason. Anyhow, here's a few of the good ones from the past couple weeks. A bunch of our friends and family might recognize Eimi, who was a tiny little baby at Maisey's first birthday...
Oct 31st 2008 Trick or treating on Halloween. Maisey was a Toucan, and she was very good at great trick or treating. We were really lucky to have great weather this year.
Oct 18th 2008 Maisey went to the pumpkin patch today and picked out some pumpkins. At the pumpkin farm, we went on a hayride and had a really fun day. Pizza at Jody's that evening ended a long fun day...
Oct 12th 2008 We got together with Steve and Marnie and their 2 girls Jillian and Shelby. We met each other half way, which ended up being Wheeling, WV. We got adjoining hotel rooms and had a fun time playing euchre and exploring the area. The weather was perfect and we were treated to spectacular views and some colorful fall foliage on the drive. We went to a zoo on Sunday, where we saw animals and rode a train around the park.
Oct 5th 2008 Marshall and Nancy visited this weekend. On Sunday, the Eagles played the Redskins. We went to the park and didn't watch much of the game. I think we're responsible for the Eagles losing the game. Just look at Maisey in her new hand-me-down outfit she recently received and sported on Sunday...
Sept 28th 2008 Sunday night, Maisey had peas with dinner, and what we found after dinner struck us very funny.
Sept 26th 2008 Friday afternoon, after work, maisey in her red and white striped overalls.
Sept 19th 2008 Pictures from our unplanned trip to Michigan, due to Grandpa Sweetins passing.
Sept 12th 2008 Pictures spanning the first 2 weeks of September. Maisey's first pair of big girl shoes, and her new (used) car. -Its a convertable!
Sept 1st 2008 Here's a couple pictures of Maisey at her friend Elise's birthday party, and then some shots of playing around her pool on Labor Day.
Aug 22nd 2008 The last Friday Night Live of the season. Our outdoor concert series comes to a close for 2008. Sad to see signs that summer is drawing to a close. We went with Jody, and I think we had the best night of the year.
Aug 16th 2008 We visited a working farm in Herndon, and Maisey had her first bike ride in the afternoon.
Aug 13th 2008 Maisey's first day at day care was difficult for all involved. We were all very excited to see each other at the end of the day. Here's some pictures of Maisey when she got home.
Aug 10th 2008 We visited the Reston Zoo today, and had a wonderful time. Maisey enjoyed it much more than we expected, and it was great fun to watch her reactions to meeting of all these new animals and hearing their respective noises.
Aug 8th 2008 Pizza night at Janes. Wonderful weather, good pizza and friends. We watched the owl, and saw some other critters as well.
Aug 2nd 2008 Beach week 2008, Salvo NC! Here's some of the pictures from Stacey and Abbies camera.
Aug 2nd 2008 Beach week 2008, Salvo NC!
July 22th 2008 Maisey in cutoffs
July 19th 2008 Rob and Yuko came over for dinner. Yuko's Mom taght me how they cook, what their kitchens are like, and what they prepare for daily meals in Japan. Yuko's mom did most of the work, with me chipping in where I could, and trying to jot some notes.
July 13th 2008 Reston Festival and pictures around the house, in a new outfit for Maisey.
July 10th 2008 Outer Banks with the Bundy's.
July 6th 2008 Maisey turns 1. She had such a nice birthday. We're were so thankful to all our friends and family who participated in the celebration/remembrance with us. It was really difficult to get through without breaking down, but know it or not, you helped us through it. After the party, we released a balloon, with a note to Ross attached. We watched it until we couldn't see it any longer.
June 29th 2008 Pictures from a sunday around the house. Mommy let Maisey feed herself yogurt at breakfast this morning. She did surprisingly well, but also became a messy baby in the process. Ashley, Dotty, and Alex came over for dinner, and Maisey sat with Alex and read a book.
June 14-25 2008 Pictures spanning a couple Friday Night Lives, and around the house.
June 10th 2008 Swimming on a hot day! Maisey loved it. She even went in the big pool, after these pictures at the baby pool.
June 6th 2008 Friday Night Live. Loveseed came to Herndon and we arrived early enough to grab a prime spot on flat ground to watch the concert. We met up with the Pharr's, Ashley Dotty and Alex, Lisa... It was a great night, with some good food provided by Anne.
May 30th 2008 We spent the second half of our michigan week, with Garry and Peggy, in Mt. Pleasant. We lazed around, enjoyed the river, visited the local pediatrician, and fished a little, before it was time to head back home.
May 25th 2008 We spent the first half of our michigan week, with grandma Carr, in Traverse City. We helped grandma celebrate her 90th birthday, and it was really fun to catch up with Ann, Christina, and Mark...
May 17th 2008 Visited Marshall and Nancy's house for the first time since babies were born. Maisey got to meet a bunch of people for the first time at a picnic we had on Saturday afternoon.
Mothers Day 2008 Celebrated Mothers day and took plenty of pictures throughout the day.
May 4th 2008 Just hung out around home this weekend. Some funny pictures of Maisey and Alex...
May 2nd 2008 Maisey's first 'Friday Night Live' concert, outside, in downtown Herndon. We had beautiful weather, and had a great time at the concert with a bunch of the neighbors. Maisey wasn't too sure about the loud music and chaotic atmosphere, but she did really well. She had Chicken, ice cream, and a balloon.
May 1st 2008 Ashley's moving day.
May 1st 2008 Maisey spending some quality time with her Nanna-Jill.
April 27th 2008 Some pictures from Cassia St, and Maisey meets Smokey the Bear in Herndon.
April 25th 2008 Just a couple pictures from this week. Our house, Jody's house, Ice House... The important picture in this grouping is the one where you can actually see Maisey's top teeth. I blew one up, so you can't miss 'em!
April 20th 2008 Just some pictures of Maisey at play
April 14th 2008 Christy, Brooke, and Rob drove out from Michigan to visit for a long weekend. We had a ton of fun, played lots of Euchre, and lucked out with some great weather. We miss them.
April 1-12 2008 Some pictures from April, taken at various events:
   1) Rob and Yuko's baby shower
   2) Burger night with Jody, Ashley, and Alex
   3) Play-date with Maisey and Elise
   4) Ice House Friday
   5) Some new toys for Maisey!
Mar 27th 2008 Some pictures of Maisey, on her first 4 wheeler ride in the street.
Mar 23rd 2008 Easter weekend, Marshall and Nancy visited, Maisey had her first easter wearing bunny ears, and Jody joines us for easter dinner.
Mar 16th 2008 Some pictures of Jody and Maisey, Some of Kathy and Maisey, and some of Maisey playing in the living room.
Mar 12th 2008 Jenny and Maisey visited Houston for a week.
Mar 2nd 2008 Maisey's first Toothy Grin pictures!
Feb 23rd 2008 More pictures from the weekend.
Feb 18th 2008 Daddy had MLK day off, so was able to go with Mommy and Maisey to swimming class at the Herndon Community Center.
Feb 2008 Some more Maisey, because we can't get enough of her. I take pictures of her like it's my job!
Feb 2008 Maisey and Mommy started a swim class. Here's a couple of pictures of Maisey in her bathing suite.
Jan 26th 2008 We went to Lovettsville for Janes 86th, surprise birthday party. Kathy reserved "Talk of the town", and we had a wonderful dinner with all Janes buddies. Tony presented Jane with a bumper sticker that reads: "The more you complain, the longer God makes you live". :)
Jan 17th 2008 We had a snow storm, and dinner at the Pharrs that night. It was the perfect opportunity to get out the Christmas sled from Grandpa Bundy, and take Maisey and Alex sledding. -A few nights later, Jacquie came over to spend the night...
Jan, 2008 A couple events form the basis of this batch of pictures.
   1) Maisey's first Meal
   2) An evening dinner/play-date with the Reeder's and Connelly's
   3) A visit from Jody, Ashley & Alex
   4) Andy and Ro visited for the weekend!
Dec 31st 2007 We were home for New Years this year, joined by Stacey, Abbie, Jordan, and Robin. We had a relatively relaxing holiday. We went for a walk and cooked and took pictures of Jordan and Maisey.
Dec, 2007 The great Michigan swing... Driving all night while Maisey slept was fun. We had a great time with all our family, and got some great pictures too.
Dec, 2007 We don't usually do a Holiday card or letter, but this year we did a picture. Here's some of the candidates that were notable.
Nov, 2007 I can't really post the Christmas pictures without posting the Thanksgiving pictures. (I thought I already had...) We flew to Houston for Thanksgiving and spent it with Jill, Mark, Krissy, Jeff, Brock, Ethan, and Uncle Harold. Jenny was able to stay longer than I, in order to overlap Grandma and Grandpa Sweetin too!
Oct, 2007 October is passed. We took our first family vacation, and toured Monticello, in Charlottesville VA. Maisey had her first Halloween, and we've taken a picture of every outfit she's had on.
Sept, 2007 We've taken lots of pictures, but I find myself lacking the time/energy to organize and post them on the website. -Sorry. But here's a few of my quick favorites.
Aug, 2007 Rachel and Tom Connelly just delivered! Their little girl, Elise Hannah Connelly, was born Aug 16th, and we went to visit them in the hospital a couple days later.
Aug, 2007 Here she is, Maisey Jane Carr, born July 6th. 6lbs even, 20.5 inches long. We've been taking lots of pictures and video, but It's hard to find time to post them...
May, 2007 We had 2 more, very fun baby showers at home in Virginia. One was mainly friends from Quarter Branch, but Jenny's mom was able to visit for the weekend, which was a special treat. The other was a double shower for Jenny and her Co-worker buddy Rachel. Both were awesome, and again -we're very fortunate to have such great friends and family to support us. The food, decorating, and planning for both showers was handled by the attendees and they did a superb job. Thanks for all the work that went into the events!
May, 2007 We had a baby shower, at Nancy and Marshalls. Thanks to everyone who had a hand in the event. It was a great time, and we're very fortunate to have such great friends and family to support us. I only got a few pictures, but here they are.
April, 2007 We're FINISHED remodeling the kitchen, and we successfully beat the babies.
March, 2007 We're remodeling our kitchen. Nancy and Marshall helped us empty the contents of the kitchen, hang a dust barrier, and tarp the furniture. Demo is done, and the new kitchen is starting to take shape. Jenny too :)
Feb, 2007 Hey! We have some great news to share... Jenny and I are expecting!

Now hold onto your hat, because we're expecting TWINS. Are you ready for more exciting news?? One BOY, one GIRL!!

-Appologies to those we haven't talked to, but we've lost track of who knows and who doesn't.

The actual due date is July 23rd, but multiples come early, so the adjusted due date is July 10.

Dec 31st-ish, 2006 Pictures from our PA Swing, New Years Eve 2006, at the White Dog Cafe.
Dec 25th-ish, 2006 Pictures from our Michigan Swing, Christmas 2006.
Nov 27, 2006 Pictures from november and Thanksgiving.
Sept 23, 2006 Katie got married!
June 26, 2006 Some pictures of our last week at Quarter Branch, before the move...
April 16, 2006 Marshall and Nancy came down for Easter. Jane, Kathy, and the Markley's joined us for Easter dinner.
April 12, 2006 We are moving! A local move, a little closer to the city and Jenny's work. No more tolls! Here's the pictures that were part of the listing when the house was for sale... They're not that good, but you'll get the idea. We close June 1st. We'll sure miss our little Quarter Branch house, but looking forward to some ammenities that we have never had.
Mar, 19 2006 Jill and Mark are settled in Texas, and we visited on the weekend of Mark's installation at the new church. All the Cooper kids, and Marks Mother, were there too.
Jan, 2006 I had a minor surgery performed on my right hand, to straighten my pinky and ring finger.
2005-2006 Jenny and I spent New Years Eve in Philadelphia with my Nancy, Marshall, Anita, Joe, Stacey, and Abbie. We had dinner at the White Dog Cafe...
Dec, 2005 "The Michigan Swing 2005" The swing began in Traverse City, with Grandma Carr, and generally proceeded down state.... We got to finally meet little Ethan, and I got sick in Mt. Pleasant.
Nov, 2005 Thanksgiving in PA
Oct, 2005 Jackies birthday, Yard projects, and fondue nights occuring in october...
Aug, 6 '05 Our week at the beach!
July, 19 '05 Marshall Retires from Ticona, and they throw him a retirement party. Ironically, Stacey, Abbie, and family are there too, enjoying a birthday dinner for Stacey.
Jun, 17 '05 Fletcher graduates high school. We spent the weekend celebrating with him.
Mar 19, '05 Stacey and Abbie tie the knot. Wedding and reception were at the Kimberton.
Feb 20, '05 Pictures from visit to Jill and Marks, in Homewood, IL.
Feb. '05 Pictures of Jackie's teeth, or lack there of.
New Years Eve '04 Pictures from new years eve in Downingtown.
Dec '04 Pictures from our Christmas celebration with the Sweetin side of the family.
Dec '04 Pictures from Grandma Carrs, in Traverse City, MI.
Dec '04 Pictures of funny lookin dog.
Nov '04 Thanksgiving at Janes with Kathy and Jackie. The Markley's visited for the drinking hour too, but I didn't get many good pictures. Somehow, the majority of the pictures were Jackie, and all the Kathy pictures were of her back.
Nov '04 We grew our family by one... This little puppy came to us on November 19th. The breeders called her Jackie, but we're looking at all options. Can you help us name her?
Sept '04 Jeff and Garry were here, so were Jill and Mark, but unfortunately we failed to take pictures of everyone. The pressure of everyone leaving motivated me to get the camera out at the last minute...
Sept '04 Visit the memories from the B.M.C. Block party of 2004.
Aug '04 Beach week 2004. Pictures from our week in the Outer Banks, NC. Marshall, Nancy, Andy, Jeff, Jenny, Lucy, Chris, Robin, Stacey, Abbie, were in attendance representing the Carr Rental. Garry, Peggy, Emily, Fletcher, Bailey were in attendance representing the Bundy Rental.
June '04 Counter Tops are finally installed. It's been a couple days living with them, but we still can't believe that we finally have counters and cabinets. We are overjoyed.
June '04 Interesting things we've seen around the yard...

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